Monday, March 31, 2014

Star : The amazing brightness of the universe

A star is a ball of gas so hot that it burns and glows. The temperatures of stars range from 2100°C to about 50,000°C. The color of a star is an indication of how hot It is. White stars are hotter than red ones, but some stars become even hotter and shine with a blue light.

Star begin in giant clouds of dust and gas, where material gathers into clumps called nebulae, each containing evaporating gas globules or ECGs, which are the beginnings of stars.

A swarm or large cluster of stars known as M80 (Nac 6093). is found in the Milky Way galaxy This swarm. 28.000 lightyears from Earth. contains hundreds of thousands of stars. 'attracted' to each other by gravity

It is estimated that there about 50.000 billion billion stars in the Universe, more than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth

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