Friday, April 4, 2014

The Space Shuttle : The reusable craft

The space shuttle is a reusable craft, able to land on a runway and then blast off again on another
mission. Since the first shuttle, Columbia, was launched in 1981, astronauts from many countries have worked together on missions to launch, repair and retrieve satellites, take photographs of the Earth and deep space, and carry out experiments.

Unlike other spacecraft, the space shuttle can land like an aeroplane ready to be used again for another mission. The shuttle lands bock on Earth on a long runway. It does not use any engines for the landing, unlike on aircraft. It touches down so fast, the pilot uses a parachute as well as brakes to stop it on the runway.

Cargo bay
The entire centre section of the orbiter is a cargo bay. which can be opened in space so that satellites can be placed in orbit.

The shuttle orbiter is covered with 27.500 special tiles that protect it from temperatures that can reach 1650°C when it re-enters the Earths atmosphere.

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