The Milky Way is the faint, hazy band of light that you can stretching right across the night sky. It is the galaxy we live in. looking through binoculars, you would see that the Milky Way is made up of countless stars.
We cannot see the spiral shape of the Milky Way Galaxy because we are inside IL We see it as a hazy band so faint that you can only see it on very clear nights.
Black hole
A two-week observation through the optic eye Of the Chondro X-Ray Observatory revealed a stunning explosion occurring in the super massive block hole at the Milky Ways center, known as Sagittarius A. Huge lobes of 20 million°C gas flank both sides of the black hole and extend over dozens of lightyears indicating that enormous explosions have occurred several times over the lost 10.000 years.
Round or elongated?
The Milky Way looks different seen from above (showing the spiral arms) and from sideways on. when It looks like a flying saucer
If the Sun were the size of a baseball, the density of the stars in the Milky Way would be comparable to scattering 80 baseballs across the USA.
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