Saturday, April 5, 2014

Mercury : Smallest star!

Mercury, named after the Roman messenger god, is the smallest planet in the Solar System, and the closest to the Sun. This makes observations vet’, difficult as it is lost in the Suns glare at least half of the time. It can be observed for only a brief period In the morning or early evening.

Sunrise, sunset
If you could stand on the surface of Mercury in certain places you would see the Sun rise about halfway, then reverse and set, then rise again, all within the same day.

Twice during its orbit. Mercury gets very close to the Sun and speeds up so much that the Sun seems to 90 backwards in the sky.

On 3 August 2004 a Boeing Delta II rocket took off on a NASA mission named Messenger- its destination Mercury. After a journey of seven years the spacecraft will reach Mercury and on-board cameras and sensors will take images. This information Should help Scientists to understand how Mercury was formed, how it evolved and the planet’s interaction with the Sun.

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