Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. It orbits at a distance of between 107.4 and 109 million km and is the second planet from the Sun. Venus is also known as the Evening Star, because it can be seen from Earth in the evening, just after sunset. Venus can also be seen before sunrise.
This is what Venus would look like if you could see through the thick clouds that hide the surface. Space
probes have mapped the whole of Venus using radar that can penetrate the clouds, to reflect off the volcanoes and craters on the surface.
Pressured planet
The pressure at the surface of Venus is so strong that the first spacecraft that tried to land there was crushed
before it even reached the surface
Maat Mons
This is a view of a 6 km high Volcano on Venus surface called Maat Mans. It is not an actual photograph but was created on computer from radar data collected by the Magellan orbiter, which reached Venus in the 1 980s. The colors are what astronomers guess them to be from their knowledge of the chemistry of Venus.
All the planets in the Solar System rotate anticlockwise except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise
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